3D printing- and planning

We must see that production and design are two separate fields of expertise. In the case of a 3D printer or CNC milling machine, precision is essential. Correct choice of tools, part positioning of the workpiece; this is all necessary in order to create a product that it will then satisfy daily needs. And when designing, we have to pay attention to the selection of materials and repairability. Can we see that one cannot exist without the other? We can simulate many processes and relationships in 3D space. We can build connections between a production robot arm and the work area, there optimizing work processes. We can ask: Isn’t there a connection between production and design? If we have piqued your interest, read on!

There are several manufacturing principles. The most common way is to create the 3D model with CAD programs and check the mesh connection points. They check that the connector is accessible for installation aspect, and the screws don’t cause a short circuit. In some cases, the program is prepared for material testing, so the product can be tested before production: heat resistance, tensile strength, vibration, and more.

When the design phase is ready. They turn to another family of programs, which are CAM programs. These are usually written for the machine tool, but in a large company environment it is not uncommon for the CAM to be compatible with the device with which the production takes place. We can parameterize what kind of material we process, with what and how we carry out the process. The result will be a salable product that meets the conditions.

Optimization was mentioned in the introduction. Technology will help us here as well. Let’s take office furnishing as an example. You can save time and money if you know in advance what to place and where. Let’s think about unnecessary pushing and measurementing. Let’s highlight the injuries that we do in this case, although not on purpose, but nevertheless: scratching the floor, scratching the wall, and more.


Of course, this isn’t relevant one room. However, hundreds of thousands of costs can be saved during the construction of a building.  In the case of a hospital, where an operating theater has to be built according to the needs of the Doctors, it can be extremely useful. We cannot expect a Doctor to understand technical drawings, because they have a different profession. However, if we make the plans visible to them, a HUF 100,000,000 instrument can be placed where it is most optimal for the team performing the operation. This includes electrical wall sockets, gas and water connections, and lighting.